Serotonin is the neurotransmitter and hormone responsible for making you feel happy. Ever notice that when you eat a piece of chocolate your mood lifts a little? Eating releases Serotonin giving you a little boost of happy sauce.
When Serotonin levels are low issues arise that can include:
Anxiety Negative Thoughts
Depression Low Self-Esteem
Panic Attacks
Obsessive Thoughts
Eating Disorders
Chronic Pain
Alcohol Abuse
Guess where 95 whopping % is manufactured in your body. Its actually NOT in your brain. Its in your GUT! Unbelievable right? If your gut is imbalanced and your healthy flora is on the negative, the normal serotonin levels suffer, and it causes a ripple effect throughout your body.
Kids are NOT exempt from this issue. In fact, its argued they are more sensitive to this trooper experiencing disruptions.
What are some of the factors that cause low serotonin levels?
Poor Diet
Dietary deficiencies of nutrient co-factors
Lack of exercise
Lack of sunlight
Digestion issues
High cortisol levels
Artificial/Manufactured Sweeteners
Hormone Imbalances
Which on the above list do you or your family identify with?